Sunday, April 3, 2011

The importance of blogging for companies

Blogging is a very important tool for companies to reach out and interact and inform their customers in an informal setting.  Blogging is not a technical manual, but a place where readers come for either enjoyment or information.
Creating, updating and maintaining an active blog can be time consuming, however, it encourages conversation and thoughts with the consumer.  A blog should be written in a personal fashion, not full of technical jargon that an average consumer wouldn't understand.  It should have a personality of its own, yet one that still represents the company in a professional matter.
The goal is to engage customers, and hopefully have them return over and over again to read more, in the end, creating a connection between company and consumer.

Here are my three important points for companies to keep in mind when writing a blog:
1- Persona.  Create a personality, and write creatively.  This will make the blog more personable, allowing readers to connect to your company.

2- Length.  Keep it short.  No one wants/has time to read a long blog.  They have come to you on their own and don't want to have to read through pages of text to find a small piece of information.  Keep it short and sweet with well organized paragraphs.

3- Content.  Not only good strong text content, but more so with video, photos and links.  Use hyperlinks to allow people to open other materials (I suggest having it open in another window, so when they are done with it, they simply close it and they are back to your page vs. sending them to another site, and your blog has now disappeared into the history folder).  Embed the photos and videos into the blog as much as possible, so that people stay on your site longer.

Good luck everyone with your blogging.  Remember to attach a link of your blog into my comment section so that I can follow you.