Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Social Media Personality

Hi everybody!  I say everybody, but I specifically just mean you!

This week I was given a topic for my blog by my instructor.  The topic is describing my Social Media Personality.
Interesting question to give so quickly.  Since I have only blogged 3 times so far, I find it a little difficult to pin it already.  And I might not get it right, or it may even change throughout my online career.  But that's ok, because we all change anyways.

I guess I would describe my online personality as your awkward friend who looks at the world differently from the rest of us.  However, you do like him.  I hope to make you think, laugh, at least smile but probably not cry.  If I do, let me know.  You can count on me to have a thought or question of the week.  Hopefully I'll be someone you visit to see things differently.  The quirky friend?

I will be here for you enjoyment.  Maybe a nice sunday read?  Or a quick drunk laugh before falling asleep?  It's up to you...

I will tell you this though.  I know you come here to read, but I encourage you to post comments yourself.  I love to hear from you!  Share ideas, start a discussion.  Whatever you'd like.

By the way, you look really good today!  Did you do something different with your hair?  Really fantastic.

Anyways, let's move right along and get on with the good stuff.

I'm still doing research on the effect of not turning around in a crowded elevator.  I have discovered that there are many factors that will change how people react.  For example, are there doors on either side of the elevator?  What happens when there are 4 of us who walk in and don't turn around vs. just one?  Are people more likely to turn around themselves?  If you are face to face in a crowded elevator will they start conversation?  What happens when you do?
This is an ongoing task for me and I hope to get back to you with answers soon.

HOWEVER... I do have a question for you!

How do you choose a restaurant??  Do you base your decision on food or ambiance?  Which is more important?  
Would you rather eat at a very nice restaurant with average food, or an average restaurant with fantastic food?  Given that prices are the same, and they are right next to each other.
Ah ha!  I see you are thinking about it!!!

Let me know!

Nice chatting with you today.  See you next time?

Oh wait!  Sorry guys, but I forgot I have to add a link to a company that is similar to myself in social media personality.  The best I came up with is the worlds second largest total grossing company in the world, and is constantly making a splash in the media with new products.  This company is very creative and constantly looks at ordinary products with a different point of view, and that is why they are so popular.  The company name is Apple.
Yes, I am writing this on a Mac.  And I love it!

That's all.  Thanks again.


  1. Great blog idea and I really like your writing style. Average restaurant with fantastic food by the way!

    My friends and I actually played with the don't turn around in an elevator idea when I was in university - long time ago. Funniest was when 5 of us got in an elevator with only one person on it. The guy actually turned and faced the way we were facing - I think he assumed there must be a rear door! Of course we'd been to the SFU pub that afternoon. Let us know how it goes.

  2. "By the way, you look really good today! Did you do something different with your hair? Really fantastic"
    This is something you would actually made me actaully laugh out loud. Which is weird..coz im by myself. I then kind of giggled in my head after i realised, i had just laughed out loud.

  3. Thanks! I DID do something new with my hair!

    And I would say great food first and foremost. BUT great atmosphere AND great food. Epic. LINK -

  4. I think I would put "charmingly" in front of the awkward! I love the blog - I think what makes it appealing, at least to me, is that you are saying what we know everyone else is thinking.

    On another note, I look forward to learning more about your elevator research - I just bought a new condo and loved that I live on the top floor until I realized that just means that I have to ride the elevator picking up everyone from each floor... This leads to some rides being full of pleasant small talk while others are full of awkward blank stares or someone's wet dog sniffing my leg... That being said what does dictate appropriate elevator etiquette? I anxiously await your research, until then, I'm taking the stairs! :)

    (Sorry for the re/cross post - just read Clayton's notice about commenting on the blog and not in the forum.)

  5. Thanks Jenn.
    But please feel free to take the elevator until then. Unless of course this is some sort of New Years resolution. haha.

    Erin, Glad I can still make you laugh. :)

    I will write that elevator post soon as well, so don't you guys worry, I haven't forgotten.
