Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pushing the boundaries

Here is a guy who has started his own website which is called and his motto is "C'est en faisant n'importe quoi, qu'on devient n'importe qui", which in English means "It's in doing anything, that we become anyone".

It is a comical website full of videos of himself doing ridiculous and funny things in public.  Below is a short video of him going into a movie theatre, and exaggerating a problem that many people face when in a theatre.  What would you do if he did this to you?
You may get upset at him, however, if he was actually this tall, you wouldn't be able to.  You may suggest he slouch, however in this case, he is doing it on purpose which would quickly bother anyone paying to see a movie.

Enjoy this short video clip and the rest of his website.

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