Friday, February 4, 2011

Dogsled Damage

What has happened recently in Whistler is a horrible tragedy to the animals and businesses in Whistler.
There have been rumours of boycotting all outdoor Whistler adventure companies.  This is EXTREME!
Why boycott the ZipLine company?  They did not destroy a hundred harnesses!  What about the ATV company?  They didn't murder their snowmobiles or ATVS.
I don't mean to make a mockery of this whole ordeal, as what happened is truly upsetting.  However, I don't believe taking it out on unrelated businesses is fair.  If anything, we should be supporting the companies that don't participate in this sort of activity.
I believe that a sort of MOB mentality has sort of taken over, as everyone is outraged over this, and we all want to make a difference.  The damage is already done, so we can't stop it, but we still want to make an impact.  Stopping all outdoor activities will not fix this problem.  I think it just makes us look ridiculous.

I can only imagine what other countries are saying as they watch this happen.  It is as if Coca-Cola, had put poison in their cans, and we all decided to never drink anything ever again!  We would all die!
It makes no sense.

My second thought on the matter, is we should all be looking to make a positive change, not a negative one.  Instead of boycotting, we should be supporting the SPCA, or other animal shelters.  We should be supporting those companies that do a good job of loving their animals.

By giving them business, it will show the other companies to also do a good job of maintaining their animals, so that they can avoid a situation like this again in the future.

I will briefly comment, that I believe that the dogsled company has tried to do a good job, and maintain transparency in this matter.  I do appreciate it.  As much as I believe that they wouldn't do it normally, and that they are just doing it for their benefit, I thank them.  The public wants to know.  I do not trust the company but do like that they are at least trying to appear positive and honest.  Because really, I have no idea who said what to who behind closed doors.  But I do like to be kept in the loop as they try to find out.
They did a good thing by posting daily updates of the investigation on their website.  I also think it was smart for them, because this way they are able to control the messages that they send out.  Well played.


  1. Hey Mike,

    I just read your blog after posting mine and it looks like we are definatley on the same page!

    Interesting fact for you: The average amount of time spent per month on Facebook in the US is 7 hours. Imagine if we all voluntered at the SPCA 7 hours a month?

    Cloverdale has a population of 60,000 people. Let's say 1/20 gave up Facebook for a month. That's still 3000 people.
    3000 people x 7 hours of volunteer work = 21,000 hours a month.

    Imagine what a better community we would live in if there were 21,000 hours of volunteer work done a month.

    I agree with your comment on mob mentality. Let's move on with dwelling about it and make a difference.

    Looking forward to you next post.

    PS - I have never run with coffee but have seen it before... you are not crazy. It's a downtown thing.


  2. Hi, I really like your point about volunteering for the SPCA. I have two dogs, and I take them for big hikes every weekend. I think I should look into taking an SPCA dog for a hike with them. I've seen other people as dog walkers for the SPCA.
    As for boycotting Whistler companies, I think that I will continue to Boycott them until such a time that I can piece together who owns what, and which companies are linked. I read that Joey Houssian is the son of Joe Houssian who is the old owner of Intrawest, and Intrawest used to own Whistler. For me, I will NEVER support a company that had anything to do with this incident. It just hits too close to home. That being said, maybe as consumers we need to be more aware of the companies policies on things before we chose to support them.
