Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Downtown jogging with coffee?

I spotted the most peculiar thing today while walking downtown. Well, I found it bizarre, but it went unnoticed to those around me.  Am I the odd one in this situation?

It was rush hour.  Right about 5:30pm on a tuesday night as 2 people ran past me.  At first I didn't notice anything odd, until they reached the intersection.  They had to wait the entire red light, and then wait even longer for the advanced green arrow to finish before they could cross and continue their run.  As I watched, I noticed that they were dodging other pedestrians crossing the street in the opposite direction.  I now thought they would run off towards the seawall and have a delightful sunset run.
But I was wrong.  They turned at the corner and waited for the next light.  Best of all, they both had coffees in their hand!!!!
I had never seen this before, so double checked to see if they were just perhaps late for something.  But NO!!  They were both wearing shorts and running shoes!

They really weren't taking the running all that seriously. I guess they weren't training for a marathon.  They looked as if they were perhaps coworkers chatting away.  I was wondering what the relationship was.  Judging by what I saw, I assumed that it was a first or second date?

But this still does not explain the coffee!!  I've heard of running to a coffee place, enjoy it, then turn around and start your return.  Or I would understand if you needed the caffeine to get you started on your run, but running with coffee in hand?
Do you know how hard it is to drink while running?  Especially with hot liquid?  And if I were her, I wouldn't want to spill the coffee down the white dry-fit shirt she was wearing on this possible first date.

My other general observation for this, is that running through downtown, especially at rush hour, is probably the least efficient form of training.  All the stop and go, dodging pedestrians, cyclists and blind drivers. It just seemed ridiculous.

My suggestion; if you want to go for a run downtown, run towards the water, and then run along the seawall.  It is a calmer and more scenic location to run, especially for a date.

Before I go, the most amazing thing about this, was that no one around me seemed to notice!
Is it possible that it isn't that unusual anymore?  Or that coffee is such a large part of our society, that it goes unnoticed? Or was everyone else around me too busy texting and holding their own coffee?  Perhaps.

Maybe I'm the weird one.  Or should the next time someone invites me out for coffee, I bring my runners?


  1. OK I have run and had a coffee after and have also dodged the rush hour crowds to hit the sea wall but what you saw astounds me!

  2. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Haha
