Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There is such thing as "Sidewalk Rage"!

An interesting article by the Wall Street Journal about "Sidewalk rage", which is very similar to "Road Rage".
Symptoms and signals include muttering, bumping into others and aggressive walking.  Researchers say that these can cause "intermittent explosive disorder", a now known psychiatric disorder.

This is a growing phenomenon plaguing busy streets in New York and London.  Do you notice these symptoms in others?  In yourself?  Or are you a slow walker?

Alright, I admit it, even I notice myself occasionally getting frustrated with slow walkers.  I don't have a problem when someone walks slowly, however, I do have a problem when there are 4 of them in a row, hogging the whole sidewalk, walking slowly.  

Apparently it is getting to be such a problem amongst people now that they have named a disorder for it!  This is incredible!  On a sidewalk!  What is next?  Painting lines on the sidewalk to guide traffic?  Slow lane on the right?  Then we would have little turning lanes so you could turn into a store and what not?

When I was in Madrid and Cadìz Spain, during my vacation, I would wander the streets, just taking it all in.  I was in my relaxed, vacation mode.  Slow and calm with nothing to do until later that evening.  However, I still found myself stuck behind people on the sidewalks in downtown Madrid.  I was looking to pass them, but for what?  I wasn't in a rush.  I just have a quick walking pace I suppose.
My point is that it is a cultural thing for the Spanish to take things slowly.  They are the most laid back people that I know of, so far.  So why is it different here?  All that I see is a difference in culture.

How will you react next time a tourist is walking slowly in front of you?  Maybe even stops to take a photo?
Please try to be friendly, because they are paying to see our beautiful city, we want them to enjoy their stay, and hopefully tell others about the friendly Canadians!  In fact, their wonderful tourism tax dollars help to pay for the very sidewalks that you are rushing on.
Maybe we should all take a tip from these strollers; relax, smile and enjoy the day!

Here's the original Wall Street Journal article.

1 comment:

  1. Slow walkers mage me rageout deep down inside HARD!. With a hatred only rivaled by "slow internet" I feel that these people are tearing me apart from the inside.........
