Sunday, February 27, 2011

4 main points to making a successful Vlog

Here are the 4 main points to making a successful Vlog.

I decided to make these helpful hints because as I was doing research on vlogging, I found there to be very little helpful information out there.  So, after 43 attempts at a decent vlog (none of which have made it onto the internet, thankfully), I had come up with my own short list of Vlogging rules.

4- Choose an appropriate background, as well as minimize any distractions.

3- Don't ramble.  Keep your message clear and concise.

2- Keep your message and video theme appropriate to the industry or topic.

1- Have a Point or Message!!!

These are the points that I have believe to be the most important when making a vlog.  Whether you are a first time vlogger, or daily pro, these are applicable each and every time.  These rules also apply to any and all industries.  If you find differently, please let me know by leaving a comment below.

Watch my first Vlog as I explain these points in more detail, by clicking on the link below.

4 Main Points to Making A Successful VLOG - Link to video on YouTube.

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