Monday, March 7, 2011

Commercials poking fun at commercials

The new big thing in television commercials right now seems to be poking fun at television commercials.

The first commercial below is for the new Chevrolet Camaro, and I immediately fell in love with it.  It makes reference to a number of ridiculous situations that carmakers have often put into their television commercials.  I find it interesting, because to make this commercial different and noticed, they didn't go against the old tried and true formula.  In fact, they stuck to it, but differentiated it from other car commercials by openly mocking them.  Check it out below, and I can almost guarantee you will laugh.  They chose some excellent personalities to do this.

The second video that I am posting is designed more towards viral videos.  It is a SmartWater ad.  SmartWater has Jennifer Aniston as a spokesperson, and has used her in many bus stop, magazine and other published ads, but not television.
Again, this ad takes the success of viral videos and makes fun of them to promote their water.  I think it is a fantastic campaign that is obviously working because it was sent to me on the internet.  Jennifer also does a great job of it, and seems to be a really good sport about everything.  Very clever, enjoy.


  1. Like the Jennifer Aniston commercial Weezer used the success of youtube viral videos for one of their music videos.

    Check it out.

  2. Hey, that's pretty neat Kris, Thanks for that.

  3. Had to show my sons these commercials!
