Thursday, March 3, 2011

A friend named Larry.

I was lucky enough to meet a nice guy the other day, named Larry.
Larry introduced himself to me in the elevator at school, however, there is a slight backstory as to why he introduced himself to me.  Allow me to tell the story from the beginning.

It was break during my night class.  I went downstairs and across the street to the Starbucks.  Since it was about 7pm, they were getting ready to close.  There was a keen and young employee mopping the floor by the door.
I gently and carefully walked across the clean floor to approach the cashier/barista and put in my order for their double chocolate chunk cookie.

I receive my cookie, complete the transaction as normal and turn to leave.  As I'm walking across the room towards the door, there is another gentleman walking into the cafe.  The employee mopping, kindly stops and pulls her mop aside to allow us to walk across and enter/exit.

Now, with me being the way I am, and wanting to have fun whenever possible, I had already been thinking about what I could do to make this little pit stop a little more interesting.

As I was crossing the wet floor right in front of the employee, the gentleman and I weren't able to manoeuvre around each other, due to the slippery surface, and we gently bumped shoulders.  He immediately turned to apologize, even though the blame was shared 50/50, however it had set me up perfectly for my performance.  I had planned on pretending to slip in front of the employee, just for fun, and without actually falling (I'm not a stuntman after all).

So as he nudges me, I immediately throw my right foot in the air in front of me, and swing my arms, with a look of shock on my face.
Right away, I catch myself, turn around and smile at everyone so they know it was only a joke.  Haha, I thought the employee was going to have a heart attack.
The apologizing customer suddenly started laughing as well as the barista who had watched the whole situation.

Everyone had a good laugh, and then we all waved to each other and went our own ways.

As I was waiting for the elevator to go back up to class, the gentleman who bumped into me walked up next to me, also waiting for the elevator.

We both pointed at each other doing the ol' "HEY!!", as if we were friends who hadn't seen each other in ages.
We both started laughing, with him telling me how he totally thought I was going down.

Once we got in the elevator, Larry introduced himself to me, and started a short conversation about our studies before I had to get off.

It just goes to show that one goofy joke, or gesture can make a group bond quickly, as it separates you from the masses.  I now look forward to seeing Larry again, as well as walking back into that Starbucks. What exciting adventures you can put a few strangers through, all in good fun of course.

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