Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Empty Parking Lots

It was 9:30pm on a monday night, as my friend and I pulled into the Canadian Tire parking lot to get him some oil for his car.   Since it was so late, the parking lot was close to empty, however, I noticed him pull up right next to another car.  He got up and ran inside, while I stayed in the car.

I decided to watch, to see if he is a one of a kind, or if people in general will park directly next to each other just to be one stall closer to the door.  He wasn't a one of a kind.

There would be an empty stall between 2 cars (because one had just left), and I observed someone pull in, reverse, attempt it again, re-adjust and finally park it dangerously close to the car next to him.  Having to squeeze out of his car, so as not to damage the other vehicle.

Why go through all this work, just to be a stall or 2 closer to the door, when you can park sooner and ensure a safe and ding free vehicle by parking slightly further across the lot?

Tip of the day:
As I used to be a Valet for restaurants and hotels, I know a thing or 2 about parking.  My tip of the day, if you are parking in a parking garage,  go up or down an extra level.  It will leave you car alone on the floor, ensuring it won't get dented by others, and then you can also park closer to the elevator doors.  You might have to ride the elevator for an extra floor, but you will walk less, and there will be less general traffic.  Anyone that would be up there would be skilled drivers who utilize their brain.
The only downfall I can think of to this method is that some people may be afraid of a greater chance of break-in.  So please know the neighbourhood you are in, and I hold no liability for any break-ins due to you using this information.

Try it next time.

Keep your eyes and your mind open out there, and don't be afraid to challenge the "norms".



  1. Great article! How many times have i seen this happen? Too many to count.

    I just don't understand this mentality of trying to be as close to the store entrance as possible. It's not as if a few steps are really going to make a difference, and frankly I think we all could use a little extra exercise.

    Just to share an experience of mine:

    I once parked my 6 month old car in an empty Landsdowne Bestbuy Parking lot. I was all alone, and landsdowne parking lot is HUGE!. Upon finishing my business at bestbuy, I returned to my "new" car after a mere 30min to find that it had been viciously sideswiped by a hit-and-run driver, who obviously tried to park right next to me. WHY?! the parking lot was practically empty, and this thoughtless, lazy and irresponsible individual decided that they just HAD to park next to me. Horray.=(

    anyway, another parking lot social behaviour I noticed today while at superstore was that people just love to push their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot lanes. This effectively blocks through traffic of an entire section of the lot while a single person meanders along toward the entrance, seemingly oblivious of the vehicles behind them. I probably drove for a good 5min while being blocked by an elderly woman who refused to move to the side.... have you noticed the same?

  2. Oh that is so true!!
    First off, I'm sorry to hear about your car. How annoying, especially when it is an empty parking lot.

    And I have seen and know exactly what you're talking about with the superstore story. Why hasn't a company introduced pedestrian walkways between where the cars park face to face? It is safer, and would work fine for unloading as well if you backed in.
    One thing I do like in parking lots, especially the ones that are slanted, are ones that have a small elevated circle thing in the pavement, that you put your cart wheel in, so that it doesn't roll away on you. very clever.

    Thanks for the story Aaron.
