Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hi everyone and welcome to my new Blog.
I will be writing about social behaviour in everyday situations.  I will be posting situations that I have seen, as well as stories about how I have gone against them, or unbalanced them in some way.

I would love to hear stories from you guys or suggestions about other ways that I can go against the grain.

Just to be clear, I am not doing anything to upset, hurt or endanger anyone, just to catch them off guard by doing an everyday activity in an unusual or slightly different way.

  An example would be when you walk into an elevator, and everyone turns around and faces the door, without speaking.  Then you walk in and keep facing the same direction that you have walked in.  Perhaps start a conversation with the person now in front of you?  Or just observe how people react.  Do they turn around, or do they awkwardly try to avoid your gaze, even though you are right in front of them?


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